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Digital Supply Chain Service

Optimising supply chain efficiency through a digital platform that provides overview of your entire chain of operations.

Consulting related to Business Consultancy in the context of Manufacturing

Provided by HSSMI 2 years, 8 months ago (last modified 2 years, 8 months ago); viewed 1432 times and licensed 0 times


The Digital Supply Chain Service (DSCS) is an end-to-end solution for improving efficiency of supply chain operations. It provides a digital platform to explore transformations in supply chain activities, eliminate data silos and limit labour-intensive manual processes. The DSCS uses a process-driven approach to identify technology gaps and opportunities for improving your business’s supply chain.


The DSCS is a combination of three key service modules delivered in a customer-focused way to quantify, prioritise and tackle unique business needs. The DSCS is built on the foundations of lean six sigma principles and looks to quantify and sustain improvements.

HSSMI can help improve the efficiency of your supply chain activities through the three modules of the DSCS - Inbound Logistic Management module, Warehouse module, and Waste Management module (see below for more information). The modules can be deployed alone or in any combination to suit your needs.


HSSMI’s DSCS service will help you address the following areas:

  • Costs - reduce transport costs, increase rebate for factory wastes e.g. pallets, carboard waste etc.
  • Environmental impact - decrease carbon footprint, control and streamline supply chain operations, promote corporate responsibility.
  • Automation - eliminate manual and labour-intensive processes.
  • Operations - optimise waste flow operations and resource allocation.

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Inbound Logistic Management module

This module involves the flow of materials in an efficient and cost-effective way. It involves detailed supplier assessment and development/improvement plans.

Key activities

Supply chain mapping, delivery management & scheduling, supplier audits and development, supplier selection, digital transformation, last-mile delivery, supply chain modelling, scenario testing and risk assessment. .

Main benefits

Cost reduction, virtual supply chain prototype and validation, lean delivery management, digitalisation, supply chain visibility and stock control, delivery paperwork management.

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Warehouse module

This module focuses on optimising warehouse management and operations. It leverages inventory data and modern technology to optimise warehouse processes for efficient stock management and replenishment.

Key activities

Warehouse capacity analysis, pick-to-light technologies, warehouse utilisation, inventory management, off-site analysis, and requirements gathering.

Main benefits

Warehouse capacity planning, stock control, elimination of manual and labour-intensive tasks, business case development for off-site warehousing.

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Waste Management module

This module will explore waste management strategies using circular economy principles to minimise the environmental impact of waste processing activities. This involves product life cycle assessments, packaging waste, recycling and remanufacturing.

Key activities

End-of-life/2nd life strategies, packaging optimisation, design for remanufacture, recycling, cost analysis, returnable packaging strategies, waste yard management.

Main benefits

Cost reduction, potential revenue generation, improved carbon footprint, lean waste management operations