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Life Cycle Assessment

Improving Product and Process Performance. An LCA helps businesses evaluate the effects of potential changes against business as usual, factoring in costs and environmental effects.

Consulting related to Business Consultancy in the context of Manufacturing

Provided by HSSMI 2 years, 8 months ago (last modified 2 years, 8 months ago); viewed 1414 times and licensed 0 times


An LCA helps businesses evaluate the effects of potential changes against business as usual, factoring in costs and environmental effects (e.g. carbon emissions, waste) among a range of criteria. An LCA impacts product and process development and moves it towards a more sustainable direction by allowing businesses to evaluate the supply chain and environmental effects of planned changes.

LCAs demonstrate how various elements in the life cycle of a product, from extraction to disposal, contribute to the production of emissions, waste, water, and other environmental impacts. This knowledge gives businesses the power to reduce their environmental impacts effectively.


HSSMI can help you evaluate the environmental impact of your product via a series of steps. Each step can be done in person or online.

We will start by identifying and discussing the priorities and objectives of your business and define the products, impact categories, scenarios and the boundaries to be included in the LCA. We will then create a life cycle inventory of materials and processes. We will quantify the potential environmental impacts based on the life cycle inventory and create a baseline comparison table. The result of the exercise will be a report, highlighting our findings, conclusions, and advice on next steps. 


Whether you are an innovation and manufacturing veteran or a company just embarking on your journey, HSSMI will help you to conduct an LCA in order to:

  • Understand how to improve your environmental key performance indicators;
  • Select products, processes or scenarios that deliver improved operational and environmental impact;
  • Optimise use of energy, water, and other resources;
  • Comply with EU/UK environmental regulations;
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste levels;
  • Improve image and brand value.

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Goal and Scope Definition

The first step is structured around a workshop that includes expert advice and facilitation f rom our consultants. The purpose of the workshop is to understand the priorities and objectives of your business and define the products, impact categories, scenarios and the boundaries to be included in the LCA.

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Life Cycle Inventory

Data collection will be carried out to create an inventory of data on the materials and processes. Emissions, waste, energy, water, and resources consumptions will be calculated within the products’ life cycle. HSSMI will model the life cycle inventory by using the LCA SimaPro software. The outcome of this stage will be:

Data Source and Assumptions. HSSMI will take on any challenge from literature search to on-site data collection.

LCA Modelling. A model will be developed according to the boundaries defined in the previous stage (Production, Manufacturing, Distribution, Use, End of Life).

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Life Cycle Inventory Assessment

HSSMI will quantify the potential environmental impacts based on the life cycle inventory and create a baseline comparison table that clearly explains the results per impact category, the ‘hot points’ during the product’s life cycle and contrasts with other similar products.

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Final Report

HSSMI will develop a report explaining every step of the assessment highlighting the results and recommendations. The report will be divided into the following sections:

  • Methodology
  • Modelling and Assumptions
  • Results
  • Recommendations