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Process Development

The Process Development service enables businesses to review existing processes, identify gaps and faults within current models, and then develop new and innovative processes that improve the current state.

Consulting related to Business Consultancy in the context of Manufacturing

Provided by HSSMI 2 years, 9 months ago (last modified 2 years, 8 months ago); viewed 1392 times and licensed 0 times


To remain competitive, companies regularly need to review existing processes, identify gaps and faults within current models and then develop new and innovative processes that improve the current state.

Whether you are an innovation and manufacturing veteran or a company just embarking on your journey, HSSMI can guide you through new process development, process mapping and process simulations.


By using digital tools and creating abstracted real-world models, HSSMI can assess different alternatives and run tests to validate investment before implementation.

HSSMI is a sustainable manufacturing innovation consultancy with extensive skills and capabilities in lean manufacturing and circular economy. This enables us to provide an independent perspective on your organisation’s journey towards process improvement.

The process development service is structured in a series of steps - workshop; survey and process mapping; process simulation; and implementation. Scroll down to the section "Phases" to find out more about each step.

Each step can be conducted in person or online with your business representatives.


By carrying out a process development exercise, HSSMI can help your business to:

  • identify "hotspots" in your processes;
  • improve throughput and efficiency;
  • reduce waste, be it physical or related to emissions, labour, time or over processing;
  • integrate innovative processes and technologies;
  • be more flexible in reacting to unforeseen circumstances;
  • mitigate risks when implementing new products or changes.

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The first stage is structured around a workshop which includes expert advice and facilitation from our consultants. The purpose of the workshop is to understand the priorities and objectives of your business, as well as the challenges you would like to target for improvement.

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Survey and Process Mapping

In the second stage, we carry out a survey to identify the processes that most closely relate to your challenges, and your current state with regards to those processes. The process mapping activity establishes a priority in your processes that would offer the greatest benefit to your bottom line.

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Process Simulation

At this stage, we use our suite of digital tools to assess different process alternatives. Depending on the challenges at hand, we could improve product flow to remove congestion points (bottlenecks), optimise batch size and reduce lead time. If we are helping you implement a new process, simulation will help anticipate issues in the implementation stage and design innovative processes while minimising disruption in the production line.

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To facilitate implementation, HSSMI will use a bespoke software solution, which creates a live, cloud-based roadmap, accessible only by your organisation. The roadmap provides an interactive action plan that designated members of your organisation can use to help define, shape and direct your business’s journey towards circular economy.