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Creation of physically based digital twins for product / systems

Consultancy services to create digital twins of product functionality with high focus in complex multiphysics systems, on the basis of physically based simulation models, design of experiments of simulations and reduced order modelling (ROM).

Consulting related to FEM Simulation Material Simulation in the context of Machinery and Equipment Metal Products Rubber and Plastic Products

Provided by ITAINNOVA 2 years, 4 months ago (last modified 2 years, 3 months ago); viewed 1236 times and licensed 0 times


ITAINNOVA CAELIA solution for product functionality is a consultancy service offered by ITAINNOVA consisting of creating physically based digital twins (PBDT), based on physically based simulations of the product and/or complex system functionality and reduced order modelling (ROM).


The development process consists of several steps.

- Physically based modelling: First step is the modelling of product and/or system functionality using any specific commercial software that model the (multi-) physics behaviour, typically based on FEM / CFD methods. If a specific software does not exist, general purpose multiphysics software can be used instead.

- Simulations DOE. The relevant product/system parameters are chosen and proper ranges of variation are defined. A design of experiments of simulations is created and run. Specific results are chosen for the analysis, typically product and/or system performance outputs, such as stresses, strains, forces, fluid velocity, fluid pressure, etc.

- Reduced order modelling. The DOE matrix of product/system parameters together with the extracted outputs are used to create reduced order models. To do that, different approximation techniques are used (RBF, surface response, factorization, etc.) to select for each output variable which is the one that offers better regression.

- Integration in a user graphical interface. Consists of a user interface that allows to perform virtual product / system functionality trials getting results instantaneously. This is achieved evaluating different ROMs, one for each result of interest, that have been previously generated.


The outcome of the consultancy service is the set of ROMs created for the product / system which is object of study. This is made available to the user as an application. Several deployment possibilities for the application exist, such as local installation or allocation on a cloud service provider.

This solution can be used for different purposes:

- Training of people responsible of product / system design. The generated DT can be used to perform virtual product / system functionality trials, to gain insight of the product / system design sensitivity.

- Design set-up. The tool can be used to guide the setting up of product / system parameters, that can help reducing the number of real product / system prototyping.

- Design optimization. The user can try, in a virtual environment, different design settings, in order to find possible routes to optimize the product / system.

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Feasibility analysis and offer

A ITAINNOVA technician will analyse the feasibility of applying this approach to the design and analysis of the product or system proposed by the user. Then, based on this analysis ITAINNOVA will generate a cost estimate of the development service.

At this stage, the requesting company may be interested in checking one “show case” app available, to have more clear understanding of their usability.

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Development of CAELIA solution

This is the development phase of the CAELIA solution, following the steps described in the Approach paragraph.