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COVERSATILE spray nozzle simulation

COVERSATILE spray nozzle simulation (air-blast atomization)

App related to Material Simulation in the context of Machinery and Equipment

Provided by ITAINNOVA 2 years, 4 months ago (last modified 2 years, 3 months ago); viewed 1797 times
application screenshot


This application is a decision support tool to adjust geometrical and operational parameters of the COVERSATILE atomization spray nozzle. It consists of a user interface that allows to perform virtual atomization trials getting results instantaneously. This is achieved evaluating different previously generated Reduced Order Models (ROM), one for each output variable of interest. These ROMS are the core of the application and have been developed based on results coming from a Design of Experiments of spray atomization simulations. Simulation results have been previously obtained from a Computational Fluid Dynamics software, which consider the air flow behavior and the transient mechanisms that happen during the breakup and coalescence of droplets that are involved in the formation of the spray cone. The geometry and operating conditions have been defined from the initial design of the spray nozzle developed by Tecnostatic. An overview of the application is provided in Fig. 1.

Use Case:

• In one hand, companies adopting the COVERSATILE atomization spray nozzle solution can use it to understand the influence of the air-blast atomization input relevant variables that the nozzle designer (design parameters), or the operator of the spray nozzle (operation parameters), can change. This allows the user to self-train in a virtual environment before the manufactured nozzle is available. Afterwards, the application can be used to help op-timize the process and operation parameters.

• On the other hand, it can be used as a show case of ITAINNOVA CAELIA solution for air-blast atomization nozzles manufacturing processes, that it is a consultancy service offered by ITAINNOVA consisting of creating physically based digital twins of any manufacturing process based on simulations and reduced order modelling (ROM). A company having a manufacturing process focused on atomization spray nozzles may be interested in check-ing the app to have more clear understanding of its usability.

Additional Information
Manual (size: 618.1 KB)