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AR/VR based support for training - MS4 and MS6 Demos

Extended Reality technologies have demonstrated to be an effective support for the advanced training, remote collaboration and knowledge sharing activities, which are key elements to be leveraged in case of crisis such as pandemics.

App related to Digitalization for Manufacturing Manufacturing Simulation Robotics and Automation Supply Chain Simulation in the context of Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing

Provided by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA 2 years, 4 months ago (last modified 2 years, 4 months ago); viewed 1428 times
application screenshot


Extended Reality technologies have demonstrated to be an effective support for the advanced training, remote collaboration and knowledge sharing activities, which are key elements to be leveraged in case of crisis such as pandemics. In this case Virtual Reality capabilities can be more relevant in case of 4D situations, meaning Dull, Dirty, Difficult or Dangerous, for the user. Here the cloud is a technology that can boost the impact of such solutions, collecting and making available advanced applications, contents and knowledge everywhere.

In the attached videos we showcase how the technical manuals and the 3D model created for the complex equipments such as the Disinfectant Sprayer (MS4) and the Reconfigurable Mask Production Machine (MS6) have been used to build an Augmented/Virtual Reality training tool to support the users on the best use of them.

Use Case:

The Space1 platform has been used in both MS4 and MS6 to support the advanced training of operators, with remote collaboration features, to enable senior and junior technicians to work together during maintenence, facilitating the collaboration and knowledge sharing, even remotely.




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