
... bringing manufacturing companies and technology experts together...

Modernizing by digitalization


TElső Beton is looking for an experienced consultant, which can outline a plan of a more modern company, which is taking advantage of technology. It is also important, that the solution(s) are supported with working best practices and use cases. he management of Első Beton wants to explore the opportunities to modernize the processes of the company. The investment in the new mixer is significant. To support the production, sales, customer service would help capitalize on the new possibilities created by the modern production technology.  



Első Beton is looking for an experienced consultant, which can outline a plan of a more modern company, which is taking advantage of technology. It is also important, that the solution(s) are supported with working best practices and use cases.  

Created by ElsoBetonKft 1 year, 11 months ago (last activity 1 year, 11 months ago) and viewed 1502 times


Digital Maturity Assessment

innomine is having over 10 years of experience helping SMEs on digital transformation path, and offers consultancy services on this issue.

Proposed by emriandi 1 year, 11 months ago (last modified 1 year, 11 months ago)