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From an industrial compressor to a medical air compressor


We are traditional manufacturing company of industrial compressors with a vast experience in designing and producing compressors for industrial plants that can be used for powering different pneumatic tools.

Given the current societal needs, our management decided to explore the possibility to repurpose one of their production lines into a production line for medical air compressors. After some internal assessment, we came to the conclusion that they have the engineering expertise and the manufacturing equipment for the repurposing; nonetheless, we would need to solve different challenges:

1. Where to get the medical grade materials and components to produce from needed for the medical air compressor?

2. What are the current norms and regulations that would need to be used, in order to produce a certifiable medical air compressor?

3. How to rapidly find out the optimal configuration and parameters required for the production of the medical air compressor?


We aim to resolve the identified challenges, by relying on external experts that would be able to support us and guide us through the needed process to achieve the repurposing of our current production line.


We would like to find material suppliers within Europe to minimize the challenges behind the logistics disruptions. We are a company based in Germany; hence, we would need to go through the German certification process (e.g. TÜV). We have modern machine tools; however, we are currently not leveraging the data that is generate by those machine tools.

Created by coman 1 year, 11 months ago (last activity 1 year, 11 months ago) and viewed 1417 times

Match related to Certification, Manufacturing Simulation, Supply Chain Simulation in the context of Machinery and Equipment

Help to leverage data created by the machine tools

Proposed by arede 1 year, 11 months ago (last modified 1 year, 11 months ago)