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Building the Business case

Creation of the business case and definition of the business model for new or revised products in response to macroeconomic crises

Consulting related to Business Consultancy Business Model Development in the context of Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Products and Pharmaceutical Preparations Textile & Clothing

Provided by SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland 2 years, 9 months ago (last modified 1 year, 11 months ago); viewed 1872 times and licensed 2 times


Assessing the expected economic and financial performance of new products being designed in response to the crisis is a key activity for making strategic go/no-go decisions. The consulting service described here aims to provide the most reliable data and information to decision makers of manufacturing companies involved in repurposing projects.


The offered consultancy includes guidance, assistance and coaching services for the target companies, combining traditional business coaching approaches with validated business planning, financial forecasting, risk assessment and sensitivity analysis tools.


Business model and business case, enhanced with financial indicators to support strategic decision-making since the first steps of a new product development project.

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Identification of business problems and opportunties

The business problem or opportunity identification allows to set of the foundation of the entire business case, acting as starting point for developing potential solutions. The involvement and collaboration of key stakeholders are crucial to ensure that the problem or opportunity is clearly defined and that all perspectives are considered. When determining the business problem or opportunity, it is essential to clearly articulate its impact on the organisation or the potential benefits that could be realised by addressing it. This could be in terms of revenue growth, cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, or enhanced operational efficiency. The project's scope and the establishment of clear goals and objectives for the business case are in this phase set.

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Market analysis

The market analysis aims to assist businesses in creating a comprehensive and data-driven business case by analysing market trends, customer behaviours, and industry insights, ensuring that the business case is well-supported and has a solid foundation for analysis and decision-making. A thorough market landscape assessment, including competitor analysis, target audience evaluation, industry trend identification, and market segmentation, is utilised to identify key insights and trends that can inform the following business case development.

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Financial projection

The financial projection is intended to create solid business cases providing precise and detailed financial forecasts. Accurate financial projections are crucial for making informed decisions regarding the company's future, whether it is a new business or an existing one. A range of scenarios is generated to allow clients to explore potential futures, formulate strategies to manage risks, and take advantage of opportunities. The scenario generation process allows clients to put their financial projections under stress tests and assess the resilience of their business to unexpected events.

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Support in strategic decision making

Support in the decision-making process, including go or no-go choices and identifying the business approach that best suits the company's strategy and the competitive environment, is meant to assist the partner company in proceeding with a proposed business venture or not. It is essential in this phase to thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the proposed scenario, such as the market demand, competition, financial feasibility, and potential risks, before making the final decision. A carefully considered go or no-go choice can ensure that a business choice is on the right track to success, while a poor decision can result in failure and wasted resources.