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Identification of Certification needs

This consultancy service is intended to help companies in analysing their certification needs and opportunities

Consulting related to Certification in the context of Machinery and Equipment Pharmaceutical Products and Pharmaceutical Preparations Textile & Clothing

Provided by SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland 2 years, 9 months ago (last modified 1 year, 11 months ago); viewed 1761 times and licensed 0 times


Do you want to verify what certification opportunities are there to further qualify your products? Or to explore the certification needs of the new markets you want to enter? What is your starting point? What gaps do you need to bridge?

The consulting service is meant to support companies from several sectors interested in repurposing their activities in times of crisis, towards the identification of their certification needs to seize new market opportunities.


Stepwise approach including:

• External analysis: certification requirements of the target market, potential competitors’ product and process certifications

• Internal analysis: existing certifications and applicability

• Comparison and gap analysis. Proposal of compensation paths.

• Identification of certification authorities, labs, local consultants supporting certification 


Gap analysis with certification needs, identified supporting entities and ad-hoc plan towards certification of products and processes

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External analysis

The external analysis consists of a deep study of the product specification, understanding the partner company's needs and vision about the use and the market that the product will be designed for. This information will drive the identification and formalisation of the certification requirements of the target market, potential competitors’ products and process certifications needed (mandatory and optional) to place the product on the targeted market.

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Internal analysis

The internal analysis focused on the existing product and process certifications already held by the partner company and their relevance with respect to the product under development.

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Comparison and gap analysis

The gap analysis aims at pointing out any discrepancies and areas of non-compliance between the certification in place inside the partner company (internal analysis) and the certification required by the new market (external analysis). Based on the gaps identified, one or more compensation paths will be identified and proposed with pros and cons, including suggestions for modifying the design/development of the new product.

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Certification journey

Establishment of a certification plan consistent with requirements and company strategy. The plan will include the identification of certification authorities, test laboratories, local consultants supporting the certification procedure and, the collection and comparison of quotations.